One day, I was searching on YouTube for LDS religious talks, and I happened upon one of Hyrum Andrus’ seminar talks. Some of his family members have been kind enough to upload 78 stake seminar talks that he gave in the Snowflake Utah stake in the late 80s and early 90s. After listening to just one, I was hooked. I have listened to each of his talks multiple times and love listening to them.
His seminars cover the last day’s prophesies, the building of Zion, and doctrines surrounding what the saints need to do to be born again, sanctified, and worthy to build and live in Zion. To me, listening to Hyrum is like listening to a conference talk, except that he leaves the milk and gets into the meat of some deeper doctrines taught by the prophet Joseph Smith and our latter-day scriptures.
You can listen to these seminar talks on Light and Truth‘s YouTube channel. The best way to listen to his talks is in order. They are placed in order if you go to the playlist page of the YouTube channel. Hyrum has also written many books, which you can see on his official website,
Hyrum Andrus
Hyrum Andrus was raised in the Rexburg, Idaho area. He joined the military during World War II and later served an LDS mission. He has always had a love of church history. During his undergraduate education, he taught missionary preparation at Rick’s College.
After getting his doctorate degree from an eastern university, he returned to Rexburg, Idaho, where he was made the first Director of Religious Studies. He later moved to BYU and became a Church History and Doctrine Professor. (See About Hyrum Andrus)
Seminar Topics
Hyrum is an expert on the prophet Joseph Smith, having read everything Joseph Smith has ever written and everything the church has written by anyone who had met or knew the prophet Joseph Smith. He read much of the church’s historical documents before its leadership had read them. From this research, he wrote the LDS book “They New The Prophet,” shown in the image to the left.
On the YouTube channel, there are four seminars entitled “The Doctrine and Covenants Seminar,” “Latter Day Prophecy Lecture Compilation“, “Pearl Of Great Price Seminar,” and “Book Of Mormon Seminar.” If you go to his playlist page on the YouTube channel, each seminar’s talks are put in order into playlists.